BioStar 2 provides web-based services and various functions concerning access control.

Access groups configured in BioStar 2 refer to access privileges. An access group can be configured using a combination of user, access level and door (device) information.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to use BioStar 2.



Step 1. Register Activation Key


You can use more features by registering the activation key after purchasing the BioStar 2 license.


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Step 2. Adding Devices


Add devices to connect to BioStar 2. You can set up an authentication mode for each device type or assign an administrator to each device.

You can also configure actions to be performed according to various events (authentication failure, duress fingerprint authentication, Anti-passback violation, etc.) occurring in the device.


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Step 3. Adding and Configuring Doors


Add the information on the doors installed with devices. You can configure relay, Anti-passback, dual authentication, alarm, etc.


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Step 4. Configuring Access Levels


You can create an access level by combining door and schedule information. Multiple doors and schedules can be registered to a single access level.


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Step 5. Configuring Access Groups


You can create an access group by combining access level (doors and schedules) and user information. Multiple access levels and users can be registered to a single access group.


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Step 6. Adding Users


Add the information to use for access control such as user information, fingerprints, etc. User information can be registered directly on the device or on the PC running BioStar 2. You can also fetch the user information registered within the device to BioStar 2 or transfer the user information registered within BioStar to the device.


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Step 7. Zone Configuration


You can configure anti-passback and fire alarm zone. The fire alarm can be set to local zone and global zone. Only available when purchasing a standard license.


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Step 8. Viewing Logs


You can view event logs, device status, door status and alert history, or just view the real-time log information.


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