You can view a log of various events in real time.


0185-clipboard Note

Make sure to check the time and date setting of the device. For more information on configuring the device time, see Information.
The real-time log can only be viewed while the Real-time Log page is displayed. In other words, when the administrator is viewing another page for changing device settings, etc., the real-time log cannot be viewed.
If Log Upload is set to Manual in the Server, the real-time log cannot be viewed.
When the image log is set, you can view or store a stored image in its actual size.



1)Click MONITORING > List View > Real-time Log.
2)To view log entries of a specific type only, click the monitoring_filter_button of a column and apply a filter.







Save Filter Button

Saves the set filter.


Start/Pause Button

Pauses or starts real-time log collection.


Clear Button

Clears the collected log information. To view the entire event log, see Event Log.


Function Buttons (Column Setting)

Changes the column setting of the log.


Event Log

Shows the event log. When an image log occurs, a notification will pop up on the left side of the browser screen and you can view a captured image in its actual size of store in PC. You can also press monitoring_imagelog to check.



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