You can add photo, name, email, telephone, etc. of a user.

A fingerprint scanner is required for adding users' fingerprints. If a fingerprint scanner is already connected to BioStar 2, you can use the scanner to add fingerprints.



1)Click USER > ADD USER.
2)Enter or select the necessary fields in the Information tab.


0185-clipboard Note

The information with i-mandatory must be entered.









Add the user's photo. Click + Add Photo to select the user's photo.


0185-clipboard Note

Only an image file can be uploaded.
User's photo is required to display the user's image on the mobile access card.



Enter the user's name.


0185-clipboard Note

It is possible to enter up to 48 characters including special characters (~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, (, ), -, _, =, +, [, ], {, }, ;, ,).



Enter the department the user belongs to.


0185-clipboard Note

Department is required to display the user's department on the mobile access card.
It is possible to enter up to 64 characters including spaces or underbars(_) only.



Enter a unique ID to assign to the user.


0185-clipboard Note

When Number is set for User ID Type in Setting > Server, a number between 1 and 4294967294 can be entered.
When Alphanumeric is set for User ID Type in Setting > Server, a combination of alphabetic characters and numbers can be entered.
Do not use spaces when entering ID.
Numbers or Alphanumeric characters can be set for the user ID type. For more details, refer to Server.



Select a user group. If no desired user group is available, add it by referring to Adding and Managing User Groups.



Set an active period of the account.


Operator Level

Set a BioStar operator privilege level.


None: The user has no operator privilege.
Administrator: The user can use all menus.
User Operator: The user can only use the USER and PREFERENCE menus.
Monitoring Operator: The user can use the MONITORING and PREFERENCE menus and only view the DASHBOARD, USER, DEVICE, DOOR, ZONE and ACCESS CONTROL menus.
Video Operator: The user can only use the VIDEO menu.
T&A Operator: The user can only use the TIME ATTENDANCE menu and only view the USER menu.
User: The user can only view own information and T&A records.


0185-clipboard Note

To set a new user permission, refer to Adding Custom Account Level.
If you have upgraded from BioStar 2.5.0 to BioStar 2.6.0 and you are using custom account level for monitoring, set operator level again.


Login ID

Enter the login ID.


0185-clipboard Note

The login ID appears when you set the Operator Level.



Enter the login password. You can change the password level by referring to Security.


0185-clipboard Note

The password appears when you set the Operator Level.
The Confirm Password will appear when you enter the password. Enter the password again to confirm.



Enter the email address.


0185-clipboard Note

If the mobile access messaging option set as Email, user's email address is required when using the mobile access.
User's email address is required when using Visual Face Mobile Enrollment or Secure QR.



Enter the user's title.


0185-clipboard Note

Title is required to display the user's title on the mobile access card.
It is possible to enter up to 64 characters including spaces or underbars(_) only.



Enter the telephone number.


0185-clipboard Note

If the mobile access messaging option set as Text Message, user's telephone number is required when using the mobile access.



You can temporarily deactivate the user's account.


Access Group

Set an access group. If no desired access group is available, add it by referring to Adding and Managing Access Groups.



Enter the user IP.  If you register user IP, you can strengthen the security by allowing access only when the IP information registered in the account and the IP information of the PC match.


0185-clipboard Note

The user IP can be entered in the format Each octet can only be entered in numbers between 0 and 255.
Users whose user IP is not registered can log in regardless of the IP information of the PC.
When using the cloud, the users can log in regardless of the IP information of the PC.


Print Card

It can be printed as a card template with user information. Refer to CARD PRINTER for details on how to use the card printer.


3)Enter or select the necessary fields in the Credential tab and click Apply. For more information on adding credentials, see Adding User Credentials.



0185-clipboard Note

You can refer to the User/Device Management on the Server to learn how to add custom user fields for extra user information.    


0324-circle-down Related Information


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