Time & Attendance
You can set the time code, shift, and schedule and/or view time card or report by using the TIME ATTENDACE menu.
Set according to the following order when registering the schedule for the first time.
Step 1. Time code setting
You can set the attendance and leave time code, overtime time code, and the go out/outside work/vacation time code. You can also set the time rate and assign and display a color to make it easily recognizable.
Step 2. Shift setting
You can set the service rule on a daily basis (24 hours). The shift includes the time code setting, the start time of day setting and the rounding rule.
Step 3. Schedule template setting
You can set the schedule template with the shift on a daily basis. You can also set the weekly and daily schedule template.
Step 4. Overtime rule setting
This can be used conveniently when the overtime time code has not been added to the shift. Overtime set in the service rule has a start time and an end time, but Overtime rule calculates the total time exceeding the range of regular service time. Overtime rule can be used conveniently for managing total daily, weekly and monthly overtime hours, and when Overtime rule is set, it applies instead of the overtime time code added to the shift.
Step 5. Schedule setting
You can set the period, user, overtime rule, and vacation schedule to apply to the schedule template set in the previous step.