You can assign BioStar 2 operator account levels to registered users.



1)Click Settings > ACCOUNT.
2)Click an account type. Depending on the type of license activated, the account type may vary.
Administrator: The user can use all menus.
User Operator: The user can only use the USER and PREFERENCE menus.
Monitoring Operator: The user can use the MONITORING and PREFERENCE menus and only view the DASHBOARD, USER, DEVICE, DOOR, ZONE and ACCESS CONTROL menus.
Video Operator: The user can only use the VIDEO menu.
T&A Operator: The user can only use the TIME ATTENDANCE menu and only view the USER menu.
User: The user can only view own information and T&A records.
Visitor Operator: The user can only use the VISITOR menu.
3)Click + Add and select a user or click icon_magnifier to search for a user.







Shows the account level name.



Show a brief description of the account level.


Admin Item Settings

Show the group assigned the permission.


Admin Menu Settings

Shows the assigned privileges.


Add User

Shows the list of users assigned with the privileges. Click + Add to add a user.

Click func_delete to delete the registered users.


4)Click Apply to save the settings.


0185-clipboard Note

If privileges have already been assigned while adding or editing users, the assigned users are shown on the list.
Unless a user with the privilege for Edit saves settings after changing the detailed settings of each menu, the user with a Read privilege only can see the previous information yet to be modified.



0324-circle-down Related Information


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