If BioStar 2 does not operate normally, it can use the BioStar 2 Restore program to restore backed up files by selecting a restore point.


0185-clipboard Note

If the MSSQL database and BioStar 2 are installed on different PCs, BioStar 2 System Backup and Restore cannot be used.


1)Run Windows_Start_Button Start > BioStar 2 > BioStar 2 Restore.
- Program path: C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)\biostar-restore.exe
2)Click Select File to select the saved backup file and then click Restore to start restoring.
3)Starting Biostar services...Done messages displayed and restoration is completed.
4)Reconnect to BioStar 2.


0185-clipboard Note

If the BioStar 2 version at the time of backup is different from the current version, the restoration will not proceed.


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