On the Status page, you can view who has the right to access certain doors. You can use a filter or combine filters to narrow down the result. You can also export the result as a CSV file. There are two types of the access privilege status view: by user and by door.



1)Click ACCESS CONTROL > Status.
2)Choose Door Permission by Door, Door Permission by User, Elevator permission by Floor, or Elevator Permission by User.
3)To view the result of a specific type only, click the monitoring_filter_button of a column and apply a filter.







Save Filter Button

Saves the set filter.


Page Navigation Buttons and Number of List Rows

You can move a page or set the number of list rows to be displayed on one page.


first_page_1: Go to the first page.
page_1: Go to the previous page.
page_nav: Enter the page number to move to.
page_2: Go to the next page.
last_page_1: Go to the last page.
page_rows: Set the number of list rows to be displayed on one page.


Function Buttons (Print, CSV Export, Column Setting)

You can print the list of logs or save it as a CSV file. Also, the column settings can be modified.


Access Privilege Status List

Shows the access privilege status of users.



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